The next stage involved painting the two sets of whatever they are hanging around his neck. I did try various colour schemes on the previously failed print and settled on green for the larger ones and red for the smaller ones. I also painted the non-metallic bands on the tusks blue. In all cases I worked from the darkest colour up to the lightest, using washes. Since I had the blue out I added the gems to the armbands and the shoulder bands where the two horns protrude.

The baubles and beads painted along with the tusk bands.


I also added a little touch of gold to the end of the green things since they seemed to be some sort of top. I followed that up with a little bit of Strong Tone to add more depth. I decided that the trousers would be a vivid purple colour and gave a couple of washes of this before using Dark Tone from Army Painter to add more depth. A touch of white added to the base purple provided the highlight colour.

Trousers now painted.


A thin sliver of purple seen from the rear.


Next, I painted the two shoulder horns. Starting with a dark brown near the base and moving to a very light brown at the tip I wet-blended the paints to try and create a seamless graduation from dark to light. I then gradually lightened the areas that needed to be a bit lighter using a very light brown wash. Finally, a white dry-brush on the tops for the true highlights. Not completely satisfied with the green baubles, I added a yellow wash to the top part of them to give a better highlight effect.

The shoulder horns are now done.


Side view to better show the shading of the horns.


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