I know someone who has a tattoo of Ganesha on their thigh. I have a lovely model of a bust of Ganesha. It took 3 attempts to get a good print of it, but the result was well worth the effort. Given that the last time I made something for someone else it took me over 3 years, could I paint this bust and have it ready by Christmas - of this year?

I had the bust printed properly on 28th October. That gave me nearly 2 months to complete the project. Fortunately, I had a half-printed example that I could use for test painting. One of the first problems I came across was which colour to use as the skin. Apparently, Ganesha can be different colours. There are versions with white skin, red, brown, grey, gold, almost any colour is possible.

So I spent some time trying to find decent images I could use as a reference. I found an image that I liked the look of and went with that for most of the colour scheme.

Now, the bust of Ganesha by Clay Cyanide doesn't exactly fit the description of Ganesha. For one thing, the real Ganesha doesn't have horns sticking up from his shoulders and is missing most of his right-hand tusk. Maybe the artist made these adjustments so as not to offend anyone who may have been offended by a proper image of lord Ganesha.

Fresh off the 3d printer.


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