
I've had this domain for years now. I did have a sort of blog on here, really just a way of being able to keep in touch with my family while I was going through some difficult times.

I also used the space for testing various web applications that I was trying out. It was more or less my private testing environment.

Then, the hosting company migrated the web sites to a new server. I didn't notice until it was too late, that the migration hadn't gone smoothly. So there I was with a domain name, a web site and bugger all on it.

So I may as well start all over again. Doesn't matter if it's never read, I'll write it anyway.


Why Dreams of a Mad Man?

We all dream, hell even animals dream. We may not remember our dreams, but we do have them. Then there are the other dreams, not the sleeping dreams, but the dreams for a better future, a better job etc. I'm sure that we all have those kinds of dreams too. What's your dream job? Your dream house? Your dream partner? Your dream ... team?

So dreams can be about anything. They cover a multitude of subjects. And we're all mad in our own little way. If you don't think so, stick around. The world seems deliberately designed to make us all mad. And like the infinity of space, there's an infinite number of ways this can manifest itself.

So, embrace your dreams, own your madness and join me for the ride.


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